The Dangers of Tap Water
For most people, when it's time to fill up their pet's water bowl they simply put the dish under the tap and fill it up. However, recent studies have found the tap water is not as clean as you might think. Investigations by the EPA, Associated Press and Congress have found that pollutants, chemicals and other contaminants can be found in the public's water.
Because of tainted water supplies, many people have decided to invest in filtered and bottled water to avoid getting sick. Yet, many of these same people don't give their pets the same luxury.
Risks of Tainted Water for Domesticated Pets
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), exposure to excessive consumption of fluoride over a lifetime can lead to the increased likelihood of bone fractures. Even if your tap water is clean, there is the possibility that your city has fluoride in the water. This is especially concern for older dogs.
As a rule of thumb, dogs should drink approximately one ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. Just like humans, the majority of a dog's body is made up of water, so keeping them hydrated is important for their day-to-day routines. Yet, if their water isn't clean, you could be causing your pet serious harm.
What's in the Water?
Lifting up the faucet and giving your pooch or kitty some refreshing water is extremely convenient. Regrettably, there are some risks to giving them water straight from the tap. Adverse effects that range too much fluoride in a pet's diet to parasites as well as an unhealthy amount of chlorine. Below are some of the risks explained:
- Giardia is a microscopic parasite and a single celled organism that thrives in intestines. It can easily affect humans as well as cats and dogs. According to scientists, it can be contracted from drinking tap water. Unfortunately, Giardia is resistant to chlorine and has been found in tap water for decades. Treating Giardia expensive. It requires antiprotozoal prescription medicine, which requires a trip to the doctor or vet. So, it is important that you protect your pets from this parasite by providing them with clean bowls and clean drinking water.

- Lead is a common in tap water, especially in homes that have older pipes in the plumbing system. Because it is affected in the pipes near your home, cities have no way of knowing if you're at risk. Lead is especially dangerous for young animals and children and can cause neurological damage.
- Chlorine is a good and bad thing in tap water. It's useful because it can kill parasites, which could cause illnesses all over town, yet it's one of the most toxic additives in drinking water. Some studies have shown that chlorine may be a cause of cancer, which is the biggest killer of canines.
Giving Your Pets Cleaner Water
If money is no object, you can always give your cat or dog some bottled water to avoid fluoride, lead and parasites. However, you'll be throwing out pounds of plastic every week. Instead, consider the use of a pet fountain.
Drinkwell Pet Fountains are a great way to provide your pet with clean drinking water. The systems use carbon or charcoal filters to clear the water of most contaminants and parasites. Plus, the highly absorbent filters attract and trap many of the water's impurities and the chlorine taste that is common from tap water. According to the inventor, Drinkwell fountains churn and filter the water, which helps prevent bacteria growth. Stagnant water has less oxygen and is prone to bacteria.
According to pet experts, each of their fountains is designed to last for a long time, with typical maintenance. The filters can last more than a month and the motors can last as long as four years before it needs replacing. The fountains also benefit from a bi-weekly cleaning to keep your pooch healthy.
Different options for Drinkwell Pet Fountains include:
- Drinkwell 360: This fancy fountain adds looks and style to pet owners' homes with the use of a 128 oz drinking fountain. The circulation cools the water naturally while the adjustable fountainheads give the option to change the spout. It doesn't just look cool, though, the Drinkwell 360 constantly moves the water to inhibit bacteria growth.

- Drinkwell Original: Don't fall for the imitators; this fountain is the one that started the clean water craze for pet owners. The design naturally removes bad tastes and odors with its organic filter whole promoting hydration for your furry companion. This fountain is affordable and easy to maintain.

- Drinkwell Zen If you have more than one pet drinking from a bowl, you want to make sure it has the capacity to hold a lot of water. The Zen has a 1-gallon capacity and wide stainless bowl so you only need to buy one. The receiving ramp also makes this the quietest pet fountain on the market, so you don't have to worry about a loud pump or splashing water when providing your pets with clean drinking water.
As you can see, there are some inherent risks with giving your pets water from the tap, but you can still make the most with what you have. Drinkwell fountains allow pet owners to use the water from their home and filter it through their patented design. The fountains promote healthy hydration while safely filtering the water. So, if you're worried that your water may have a funny taste or smell, don't risk it. A useful pet fountain is a lot cheaper than a veterinarian's bill.
If you're unsure which Drinkwell Pet Fountain is right for you, be sure to ask the pet experts at by calling 800-957-5753. The animal lovers are more than happy to answer any questions about any of the pet products that we carry in our catalogue.
By Sean Bowes