The 4 Different Types of Bark Collar & How They Work

Training a dog not to bark can be made a lot simpler with the aid of a bark collar. Safe and easy to use, perhaps the biggest advantage to using a bark collar is that it needs very little input from you whatsoever and works autonomously. The bark collar leaves you free to take care of your busy schedule while it takes care of training your dog not to bark.
Bark collars work by interrupting a dog while it is barking. This is done by one of four methods - static correction, vibration, spray, or sonic - which are automatically triggered by sensors in the collar itself.

Static collars are by far the most popular bark collars and they're also the most versatile. They work by sending a short pulse of static interruption to the dog when the collar's sensors detect barking and they are available for dogs of all sizes. Most models can be set to numerous levels of intensity, so the same model can be fine-tuned for timid dogs that need less interruption, as well as willful, headstrong dogs that might need greater intensity.
Various premium static collars also come with additional features such as interruptive tone warnings or vibrations. Others have the ability to automatically increase the levels of static interruption if a dog continues to bark until it finds the level at which the dog acquiesces.

Vibration collars also have sensors that detect a dog's bark before sending an interruptive pulse - in this case a vibrating one. Although the vibration intensity can be pre-adjusted, vibration collars don't have the versatility of static collars and there are far fewer models available. However, for those who would prefer not to use a static collar the vibration collar is a very practical alternative.

A newer but increasingly popular method of bark control, the spray bark collar emits a tiny burst of spray (usually scented with citronella or lemon) near a dog's snout to interrupt barking. Tiny sensors built into the spray collar detect when a dog barks and initiate the delivery of the spray.
Because the spray is harmless to both pets, people and the environment, spray bark collars are highly recommended for small or timid dogs. Spray collars can also be used as training collars for added cost-effectiveness and versatility.

Ultrasonic bark collars use high-pitched sounds that get a dog's attention but are inaudible to humans. Ultrasonic bark control devices can be collars, handheld remote units, or stationary monitoring units.
Ultrasonic bark collars detect when a dog barks and emit ultrasonic sound to interrupt the barking. Some ultrasonic collars also use vibration as an added stimulus. Ultrasonic collars are especially good at training young and small dogs not to bark.
Handheld ultrasonic remote units use the same high-frequency sound but need to be operated by the handler. This means that the owner has to engage in the bark training process and initiate the sound whenever a dog barks, however the pet doesn't need to wear an uncomfortable collar.
Dog bark control units are monitoring stations that cover a large area from a central position. On sensing any dog barking within a certain radius (usually about 50-feet) the bark control unit sends out an ultrasound signal that will interrupt all dogs barking within its range. Bark control units are excellent for keeping one or more dogs quiet while playing in the backyard.
By John Bone